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Winter Reading Challenge Bookmarks

Dec 10, 2024

Motivating your students to read over Winter Break can be.... well, challenging. 

At the beginning of December, students are finally starting to build momentum in their reading progress and then BOOM. The holidays and winter break happen, and everyone seems to lose some of their hard-earned progress when they return in January. Sound familiar?!

That's why we wanted to share a simple, motivating and FREE challenge to keep your students reading over winter break this year!

Introducing...  Winter Reading Challenge Bookmarks! 

In this free download, we're sharing a bookmark conveniently designed with the challenge right on it! Each bookmark has 10 different activities that students can do over Winter Break to practice reading, including:

  1. Read with a flashlight 
  2. Make a fort and read inside
  3. Read next to a Christmas tree, or fireplace
  4. Use a candy cane as a pointer while you read
  5. Read a book you've been practicing to someone
  6. Read to your elf, or stuffed animal
  7. Drink hot chocolate while you read a story
  8. Read to someone over the phone
  9. Cozy up and read in your PJs
  10. Read your favorite book with your best elf voice 

After students complete an activity on their bookmark, have them color in the box. Choose how many activities you want your students to do over break: 5, 8, all 10... it's up to you! You can also choose any type of reward for completing the challenge. Some ideas include: a free book, prize from the prize bin, free pass to wear PJs or bring a stuffed animal to school, etc. Just be sure that the reward is motivating! 

If you'd like to download your free set of winter reading challenge bookmarks, click on the image below. Enjoy!



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